Location | Sungai Gadut, Negeri Sembilan |
Category | Primary School |
Completion | August 2018 |
Donation | RM100,000 |
No of students | 655 (2018 intake) |
This school has been selected for School Transformation Programme 2025 (TS25) by Ministry of Education. TCC’s contribution of 6 sets of Eco Net Multimedia Education system further enhances students’ fun and effective learning in school. Teachers will now have multitude ways to deliver learning activities and content.
These 6 sets of Multimedia Education system were installed in Standard 1E, 2B, 3M, 4M, 5T and 5M classrooms. Each set consist of 55” LG 4K panel with features such as multi-touch, anti-glare and built-in Android O/S, LAN / Wifi connection, digital visualizer (wall mount type) and 12 feet sliding white board