SJK(C) Liat Choon

Location Jeram, Selangor
Category Chinese Primary School
Completion December, 2011
Donation RM50,000
No of students 97 students (Main: 33, Branch: 64) (Year 2011 intake)

SJK(C) Liat Choon comprises the main school and the branch school. The main school was established in 1957. The branch school was converted to SJK(C) Liat Choon (Branch) from Zhouk Hua private primary school in 1977. We funded the refurbishment works for both the main and branch schools. The refurbishment works at the main school included the repair of the damaged drain and sidewalk floor; the repair of the damaged and rusted ventilations; the construction of a new awning connecting the school building with the kindergarten; and the repainting of an old school building block. The funded works at the branch school included the construction of a new awning connecting the school building with the canteen and a zinc roof to cover the car park area.