SJK(C) Kuala Bikam

Location Bidor, Perak
Category Primary School
Completion 17 December 2021 and 9 November 2023
Donation RM118,000
No of students 88 (2023 intake)

SJKC Kuala Bikam is a fully aided school located at a rural village, Kuala Bikam district in Perak.

The school requested funding from TCC to equip the school with e-learning system. As the school’s location is remote, rural-based students will greatly benefit with the digital transformation.

TCC supplied and installed a total of 4 units of EcoNet Multimedia Education System in Standard 1, 2, 3 and Standard 4. Each set of EcoNet multimedia education system consists of 55” 4K panel with features such as multi-touch, anti-scratch and built- in Android O/S, LAN / Wifi connection, digital visualizer (wall mount type) and 12 feet E3 ceramic sliding white board.

In 2023, TCC donated a total of 20 units of laptops, of which 18 units for students use and 2 units for teachers’ usage.

The laptop will further enhance students’ learning experiences, enable easy access to educational resources, and hence nurturing students’ creative and technological skills.