Location | Batu Pahat, Johor |
Category | Primary School |
Completion | July 2014 |
Donation | RM376,000 |
No of students | 477 (2013 intake) |
There are 2 schools located within the same compound, SJKC Ai Chun 1 and SJKC Ai Chun 2 and it is centrally located in town area. The school built a new block of building to provide additional classrooms. Presently, students from both schools attend the morning session instead of the rotational morning and afternoon session previously. The school faced a new challenge where space for public events and outdoor activities is lacking due to total number of students in single session currently. The Community Chest assisted school to convert the courtyard used as teachers’ car park to covered multi-purpose hall covering three blocks of “U shaped” classroom buildings. With the covered multi-purpose hall, school is able to organise numerous activities at all times.