SJK(C) Hua Hsia

Location Bagan Datuk, Perak
Category Primary School
Completion 30 May 2023
Donation RM15,800
No of students 51

TCC donated and fully paid for 3 units of EcoNet smartboards in July 2022 as the school received the government directive collection fees from students to use the smartboards was not allowed. The school signed a leasing agreement to use the smartboards and collected monthly fee from students. More info on this project:

In 2023, TCC provided an additional unit of SHARP Education Solution smartboard which was placed at the Rekabentuk Teknologi (“RBT”) classroom. Each unit of smartboard comprise of 70” 4K Aquos Touch smartboard with mini PC. Other additions include mobile stand, an interactive whiteboard pen, e-share pro license and cabling.