SJK(C) Sin Hua

Location Seremban, Negeri Sembilan
Category Primary School
Completion  31 January 2021
Donation RM196,055
No of students 917 (2020 intake)

JKR conducted a technical visit on 5 April 2018 to determine the extent of repair and maintenance electrical work required as the school was experiencing power tripping. JKR Laporan Pepasangan Elektrik report indicated the switchboards need to be replaced due to wear and tear and certain electrical wiring unsafe due to extension works done incorrectly.

TCC assisted with testing, phase balancing, replacement of main switchboard, distribution and sub switch boards, electrical re-wiring works for Block A, B, C school buildings.

In addition, TCC supplied and installed new lightings , ceiling fans and plug points for all classrooms in Block A, B and C school buildings as well as teachers’ room.