SJK(T) C.E.P Niyor

Location Kluang, Johor
Category Primary School
Completion 30 August 2022
Donation RM32,000
No of students 24 (2022 intake)

SJKT C.E.P Niyor, a partially aided school, located within oil palm plantation and the students are from B40 families.

As such, TCC assisted the school by upgrading their classrooms from whiteboard to EcoNet multimedia education system as these students may not have access to digital technology at home.

TCC supplied and installed a total of 2 units of EcoNet multimedia education system in Standard 4 and Standard 6 classrooms. Each set of EcoNet multimedia education system comprise of 55” LG 4K panel with features such as multi-touch, anti-glare and built-in Android O/S, LAN / Wifi connection, digital visualizer (wall mount type) and 13 feet sliding white board.