SJK(T) Kinrara

Location Puchong, Selangor
Category Primary School
Completion 28 October 2022
Donation RM2,000,000
No of students 644 (2022 intake)

SJK(T) Kinrara is the only Tamil primary school located in Kinrara, Puchong.

The school had a total of 4 container cabins in addition to one block of 3-storey building and 2 blocks of single-storey buildings to accommodate the students in 1 session. Therefore, TCC assisted to build a new one block of 4-storey classroom building to provide a more conducive learning environment for both students and teachers’.

The new classroom building named “The Community Chest Academic Building” obtained its Certificate of Completion and Compliance (“CCC”) on 8 February 2022 and Certificate of Completion of Making Good Defects on 28 October 2022.