SJK(T) Ladang Kemuning KRU

Location Alor Gajah, Melaka
Category Primary School
Completion August 2018
Donation RM70,000
No of students 62 (2018 intake)

The school is a partially-aided school established in 1932 and located within Sime Darby Plantations in Gadek. The school principal informed the students come from low-income families.

With TCC’s contribution, 4 sets of Multimedia Education system were installed in Standard 1, 4, 5 and 6 classrooms and this interactive learning system will definitely enhance the teaching and delivery methods for both teachers and students.

Each set consist of 55” LG 4K panel with features such as multi-touch, anti-glare and built-in Android O/S, LAN / Wifi connection, digital visualizer (wall mount type) and 12 feet sliding white board.