Location | Sungkai, Perak |
Category | Primary School |
Completion | 2 October 2023 |
Donation | RM77,370 |
No of students | 560 |
SK Slim River has a total of 20 classrooms and these classrooms are equipped with whiteboards as teaching aids. The school teachers will bring portable projectors and their personal laptops for learning lessons.
TCC donated a total of 9 units of ACER laptops and 1 unit of ACER LCD projector for teachers’ usage to increase the common pool of IT assets in the primary school.
In addition, TCC donated a total of 3 units SHARP Education Solution smartboards and each unit comprises 70” 4K Aquos Touch smartboard with mini PC, mobile stand, an interactive whiteboard pen, e-share pro license and cabling.
The SHARP Education Solution smartboard will transform the learning experience of students at SK Slim River, enabling few students to concurrently write and draw at the smartboard which encourages these students to take part in the lessons more actively. In addition, the teachers can showcase videos and 3D pictures so that the lessons will become more interesting. As a result, the teaching and learning processes enhance significantly.
The school proposed to place the smartboards in Akses classroom, Science Lab and Resource Centre where students and teachers can rotate to utilize this smartboard.