SJK(T) Dengkil

Location Dengkil, Selangor
Category Primary School
Completion  18 December 2020
Donation RM150,000
No of students 245 (2020 intake)

The school has a total of 12 academic classrooms using whiteboard as their teaching aid. In line with Ministry of Education’s digital learning initiatives, TCC assist to upgrade and installed 9 units of EcoNet multimedia education systems in Standard 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 classrooms and Science lab.

Each set of EcoNet multimedia education system consists of 65” SAMSUNG 4K panel with features such as multi-touch, anti-scratch and built- in Android O/S, LAN / Wifi connection, digital visualizer (wall mount type) and 12 feet E3 ceramic sliding white board.