SK La Salle (1) Sentul & SK La Salle Sentul (2)

Location Sentul, Kuala Lumpur
Category Primary Schools
Completion June, 2012
Donation RM99,353
No of students 479 students (Year 2011 intake)

These missionary schools, which share the same school buildings and school grounds, have more than 60 years’ history. We funded the termite treatment for the entire school blocks and grounds as the infestation of the termites was critical and a majority of the school blocks were badly affected and damaged by termites. Besides the termite treatment, we also funded the repainting of the classrooms (interior) and repair and tiling of classrooms as these classroom walls were badly stained and the surface of the classroom floors were no longer even, rendering it unsafe for students. We also did some roofing repair works and purchased furniture such as classroom chairs and tables, notice boards and book shelves for the schools.