SMK St. Teresa

Location Kuching, Sarawak
Category Secondary School
Completion 10 February 2021
Donation RM300,000
No of students 616 (2021 intake)

Established in 1885, SMK St Teresa is a premier school in Kuching with good track records in both academic and extra-curricular activities.

The school’s Block A caught fire on 29 October 2016 and the building was completely razed down. Block A comprised of school hall and stage, principal’s room, administration room, teachers’ room, counselling room and library. Temporarily, the school had to use some of the classrooms in Block C to accommodate the teachers’ room and the ground floor of Convent building to house school principal and administration rooms.

TCC assisted re-construction of the school’s one block of 4-storey Administration & Classroom building comprising of gallery, administration office, teachers’ room, classrooms, meeting rooms, library and science labs.

The construction was completed and the new building was issued with Certificate of Practical Completion on 10 February 2021.  “The Community Chest Conference Room” and “The Community Chest Library” was named after TCC in recognition of the donation made to the school.