103 Students Enroll : UPSI Chinese Education Students Double

Sin Chew Daily (18 December 2024)

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China Press (16 December 2024)

Sin Chew Daily (16 December 2024)

SJK(C) Tanjung Sepat: Official Launch of The Community Chest Building and Activity Centre

China Press (19 October 2024)

Sin Chew Daily (20 October 2024)

The Community Chest Donates RM 3.91million Funding Assistance For The Hiring Of Temporary Chinese Teachers for Sekolah Menengah Jenis Kebangsaan

Kuala Lumpur, March 20 – The Community Chest (TCC) has committed RM3.91 million over two years to the Majlis Pembangunan Sekolah Menengah Jenis Kebangsaan Conforming Malaysia (MPSMJKCFM) to support the hiring of temporary Chinese language teachers in SMJK schools. The funds will be disbursed directly to the appointed teachers.

Deputy Minister of Education Wong Kah Woh announced that the funding will enable the placement of approximately 66 to 67 temporary teachers. He credited former Deputy Minister Lim Hui Ying for initiating the effort and expressed appreciation to TCC for turning the plan into reality.

“We must work hand-in-hand—from the Ministry of Education to Chinese education associations like MPSMJKCFM, MPSSMCM, Dong Zong, Jiao Zong, and TCC—to improve Chinese education,” Wong added.

TCC Chairman Tan Sri Chua Ma Yu shared that since its establishment in July 2011, TCC has disbursed RM131,068,810 in donations, with RM105,234,491 benefiting 620 schools, including SJKC, SMJK, and independent Chinese schools. He also voiced hope that the Ministry of Education will take the lead in resolving the long-standing issue of teacher shortages in Chinese schools.

MPSSMCM Chairperson Lim Peck Poh explained that there is a structured application process involving school principals, TCC, the Ministry, and MPSSMCM to verify and approve funding. Principals are tasked with assessing the qualifications of applicants, who must meet national requirements and ideally hold Chinese language qualifications.

She noted that there are an estimated 70 openings for Chinese language teachers in SMJK schools in 2024, with data collected twice a year to assess ongoing needs.

About The Community Chest

The Community Chest has been established as a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee (Company Number 952008-A). It is an independent apolitical non-ideological charitable organization set up by the private sector to promote and support education solely for the benefit of the Malaysian community.

As reflected in its tagline “Community in our heart, Education at our fore,” The Community Chest believes that education creates opportunity, shapes individuals and ultimately, the well-being of the community.

For details on its charter, the funding application guidelines and how to donate to The Community Chest, please log onto www.commchest.org.my or send your enquiry by fax to +603-2333 3939 or email to enquiries@commchest.org.my.

The Community Chest Donates RM 3.91million Funding Assistance For The Hiring Of Temporary Chinese Teachers for Sekolah Menengah Jenis Kebangsaan








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